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The Index Project

The Index Project

Built on Vue 2, later migrated to Nuxt 2. Frontend made according to custom-tailored design from Kontrapunkt, and expanded upon afterwards for five years.

Big Picture

Big Picture

Built on Vue 2. A private data visualisation platform for The Index Project.

Master Thesis

Master Thesis

Built on Python using Fast.ai 2. Utilizes data from The Index Project to scrape and classify data from websites. Proposal of a reclassification algorithm to boost the model's accuracy.

Mancala MCTS

Mancala MCTS

Built on Python. A console game of Kalah (or Mancala) against a MCTS-based AI.



Built on F#. A parser and simulator for the CRN++ language used to model molecular reactions.

KS Synthesis

KS Synthesis

Built on Pure Data. Artificially synthesizing the sound of a plucked string using the Karplus-Strong technique.



Built on Symfony. A webshop prototype for paracord accessories.